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Warning: Increased traffic patrols planned for November

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2016 | Firm News, Traffic Tickets |

Catonsville drivers making their daily commute into Washington, D.C., should be aware of increased efforts by police to issue tickets for all manner of traffic violations. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, officers will be carrying out high visibility enforcement efforts during the entire month of November.

Last year, throughout the Washington, D.C., area, 75 pedestrians and bicyclists were killed in traffic-related accidents. So far in 2016, 26 traffic-related deaths have happened in our nation’s capital, which is the same number that happened throughout all of 2015. Officers hope that their efforts will help to bring these numbers under better control. High-visibility law enforcement initiatives like this one tend to show the public that police are serious, which could result in drivers being more diligent to follow safety rules.

Increased enforcement efforts during November are particularly important because November is the beginning of daylight savings time, which tends to be a period of increased car crashes. It’s also the month that the holiday season begins, which means a higher chance of seeing drunk drivers on the road returning home from a party.

With their increased enforcement efforts, local law enforcement officials have an even larger goal in mind for the years to come. By 2024, they want to see zero traffic-related crashes. However, although these aims are pure, drivers need to realize that police make mistakes just like they do. Indeed, just because a driver receives a traffic ticket does not mean that he or she will be required to pay it. Drivers have every right to fight a traffic citation in court, and in many cases, they can try to get their fines reduced and/or dismissed altogether.

Source:, “D.C. Is Cracking Down On Traffic Violations This Month,” Nov. 04, 2016
