Maryland parents arrive at an out-of-court agreement regarding child custody in the vast majority of divorce cases. However, circumstances can be such that one or the other parent demands full custody and tries to deny the other individual of his or her parental rights through court proceedings. This can be a frightening prospect for the parent whose rights are being challenged. Indeed, the thought of losing the connection and time we spend with our children is never an easy thought to endure.
At the Law Office of Kevin L. Beard, PA, we help parents from all walks of life protect their right have custody of their children — either shared or partial custody. When those rights are being challenged, we will review the case to determine if the parent could actually be in danger of losing his or her parental rights.
The factors we look at in child custody cases include issues such as:
— Who served as primary caretaker when the parents were married and/or living together?
— Was the divorce a “no fault” divorce, or was one of the parents blamed for the dissolution of the marriage?
— The relationship between the parent and the child
— The economic resources that each parent possesses
— In some cases, the preferences of the child
— Whether either parent has a criminal record or history of substance abuse.
Clearly, there is more information that can come into play during a child custody court case. However, parents should rest assured that courts will always make decisions with the best interests of the child or children in mind. Furthermore, in most cases, courts consider that children are best served when they have constant and regular contact with both parents.