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What should I do with my social media during divorce?

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2022 | Blog, Divorce |

Most Americans have some form of social media. There are many positives to it: social media makes it easier to keep in touch with friends and family who may be far away, and it can also be a great source of entertainment.

However, social media use can cause you problems during a divorce. According to Psychology Today, it is better to stop using social media during your divorce case because it could increase negative feelings and your ex may use some posts against you.

Rage and jealousy

Many people use social media to vent their frustrations if something makes them upset. It is natural to feel bad at times when going through a divorce, and getting on social media could be a huge temptation for you.

You may also see posts of your ex seemingly having the time of their lives if you stay connected with them on social media. This could exacerbate any negative feelings you already have.

Social media in the courtroom

If rage, jealousy and grief lead you to make impassioned posts, it is possible that they will show up in the courtroom to haunt you. Many divorce cases involve social media posts as evidence. Your ex may try to use any emotional posts as evidence that you are not fit to hold custody of children, or that you were prone to erratic bursts throughout your marriage. This could have very negative consequences on your case.

If you must keep your social media through a divorce, make sure to only post positive things. It is also wise to disconnect from your ex and block them.
