Divorce is often messy and you may feel pitted against your spouse. You both want to fight for what you want. In a contentious divorce, it is not uncommon for a spouse to try anything to get the upper hand. According to NPR, you should take a moment to consider if...
Month: October 2020
How do you repair your retirement plan after your divorce?
Divorce can take a huge toll on your retirement plans because you have to divide all your assets. Often, this means that you lose some of the money you had for retirement. You may not feel it too badly if you are younger, but if you are closer to retirement, then you...
How are marital assets divided in divorce?
If you are facing divorce, you may be dealing with a good bit of anxiety concerning the property division phase of the process. Some couples believe they have little in the way of property to divide while others have significant assets and worry about resulting...
Financial pitfalls to beware of in divorce
Spouses that go through a divorce have the task of dividing their marital property between them. This can be a stressful time, so it is easy for a divorcing couple to neglect some important financial planning. People may end a marriage but also come out of it with...