The purpose of alimony or spousal support is to help a financially dependent spouse maintain a similar standard of living or help them become self-sufficient after divorce. However, this intention creates confusion as to whether the spouse requesting alimony must be...
Comprehensive, Compassionate And Results-Driven Representation
Month: February 2024
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5 situations that may allow for nonparent child custody
While Maryland presumes that a child’s biological parents are their natural custodians, this idea is rebuttable in certain situations. In those instances, courts can award custody to nonparents, such as the child’s grandparents or relatives, if they seek custody....
Enforcing child support when your ex lives in another state
Child support payments are a legal obligation, not a choice. Sadly, some parents find it easy to ignore this duty, particularly when they live in another state. As a custodial parent, understanding your rights and legal options can make a world of difference in...