Once spring arrives, the excitement starts to build for summer.
While you want to give your child lasting memories, co-parenting requires nuances to ensure summer fun does not come with added stress or fighting.
1. Review your co-parenting plan
Maryland custody law requires co-parents to establish a parenting plan. While you may have filed it away, you should consult it before starting to plan any big trips or special activities. These plans ensure that both parents get adequate time with the child. Depending on what you want to do, your summer plans may be in direct conflict with agreed-upon terms.
2. Communicate regularly
Regardless of your relationship with your ex, co-parenting requires regular communication. That becomes even more important when it comes to vacations. As soon as you have an idea, you should open a line of dialogue. During the discussion, ensure you communicate all of the details. That includes where, when and how long, as well as communication expectations during the trip.
3. Stay prepared to compromise
Even though you may have the desire to give your child a summer they will never forget, that may not be feasible. Your co-parent may not want to deviate from the parenting plans or may have their own special trip in the works. During the discussion, try to avoid letting lingering feuds surface. Focus needs to stay on the child. Although you may feel disappointed, you can find other ways to provide a fulfilling summer experience.
Whether vacation or daily life, remembering the big picture remains key to successful parenting.