Getting to the end of all the negotiations that go into your child custody agreement and visitation schedule can seem like an immense relief. However, it doesn't take much to end up back in family court arguing with your ex-spouse over a potential modification to the...
What questions can you expect at a custody modification hearing?
Asking for a modification to a custody agreement -- when you don't have the agreement of your ex-spouse -- is a very big deal. The court generally hates to make changes to an existing agreement without a good reason. If you're headed into court with a modification...
How do you obtain a child support modification?
You never know what the future will bring in regard to your finances, so there could come a point when you are no longer able to make your child support payments in full. If you find yourself in this position, you shouldn't wait a single day to learn more about...
When will courts modify child custody orders?
Many parents wonder if their child custody orders issued by a state family court judge are set in stone. In the vast majority of circumstances, a court will uphold the existing child custody orders unless there has been a substantial change in circumstances. These...
Can I qualify for a divorce modification?
The order issued by the family law court in your case may seem like it's final, but it's not. There are many circumstances in which you or your spouse could file a petition to modify the divorce decree in some way, shape or form. These circumstances usually need to...
Do you need to modify your child custody arrangements?
In most Maryland divorces, the judge's decision is law and a family court will not alter that decision. That is, if the conditions and circumstances of yourself, your ex and your children stay the same. If there is a considerable change in circumstances, you might be...
Short term emergencies and temporary child support modifications
What if you suffer a sudden heart attack, get into a car accident or get hurt in some way that prevents you from being able to work and earn a living? The condition is only temporary and you expect to be back on your feet in a couple of months; however, you're unable...
Do you need to make a change to your divorce decree?
Let's say you got a divorce ten years ago when your child was two years old, and now you and your son's or daughter's situation has changed. Perhaps ten years ago, your son was healthy and the normal amount of child support was sufficient to pay for his or her needs,...
When can I apply for a divorce modification?
Just like everything else in life, your divorce ruling is not necessarily set in stone. If your life circumstances have changed substantially since the family court judge made a decision on your case, you might be able to apply for a modification. Let's consider...
Child custody modifications: It’s better not to wait
If you're a single parent, your child is probably the most important person in your world. If you're a single non-custodial parent, though, you probably only get to see your child every other weekend or once or twice a week. It can be hard to spend that time away from...